Wednesday, January 30, 2019


A few Pictures from Thanksgiving!

A New Year

I know that almost everyone shares the sentiment "Where did 2018 go?!" It was a whirlwind of a year full of much craziness and blessing. But here we are already at the end of January 2019! Another year well underway! I returned from my furlough on Dec. 27th. I arrived at the same time as the Holiday Team. The Holiday Team is always a fun team, because we get to hand out presents and enjoy the kids while they have vacation from school. We also get to do different things with the Transition kids. Ice skating has become a favorite annual event. The Holiday Team had all departed by mid-January. My housemate and co-worker Jenny also left on furlough. I've been using the time to catch up on some of the house projects that never seem to get done. For example we had a carpet destroyed in a flood last summer, and we were finally able to get it replaced. Two of our transition graduates assisted me on a day-long adventure--but the carpet is in! H2H has two new ministry locations that we are working in and I've been able to visit both of those locations as well as participate in Saturday Ministry out at Peris. We've been able to hand out winter clothing and have praise and prayer time. Ruthie and Karla love winter other then the colds and flu that seem to come with it. The entire Bucuresti school system was shut down last week because of a flu epidemic. Ruthie and Karla were both down with high fevers. We also had a two day ice storm. These things cause difficulties in day to day life, but they also bring the joys of extra snuggles and beauty. 2019 is already shaping up to be a roller-coaster of a year, full of ups and downs and lots of twists and turns. Fortunately, God promises we won't ever do it alone. That is a promise that I'm holding onto tightly! He is here and he sends others to ride along as well!