Sunday, September 30, 2012

Get Ready, Get Set......

September is a month of preparation for us as we shift from summer ministry to fall ministry.  We scheduled, planned curriculum for the classes we will be teaching, met with directors and filed official documents to the state.  Then we adjusted the schedule and met with the directors again.  And then we adjusted the schedule and met with the directors again.  And then get the picture!  It is a lot of planning and waiting and replanning.  But, once again my staff did a terrific job and the program we have in place for this fall is one of the best ever!
The other huge part of this month is interviewing and selecting candidates for the transition programs.  Tons of time was spent on this-interviewing and praying and making decisions of who is the right fit. We selected 7 girls for the GTH, and 7 boys for the BTH.  We also opened a new program, the ATH (Alternative Transition House), for 4 boys that need a transition program, but have unique needs that keep them in Bucuresti.  We opened an apartment that will house these boys as we teach them along with the girls at the GTH.  So as we prepare the houses and the apartment, curriculum, and the hearts and minds of the staff that will be working with them, we are excited for one of the biggest years in transition ministry history!  GO!