Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Merry Month of May

Easter came late this year in Romania.  We didn't celebrate until the first weekend in May.  We had the normal H2H family gathering at the team house.  It is always a priviledge to be able to gather together as a family.  

 Karla enjoying opening eggs!

 Dying eggs with the transition boys and girls.  It takes away to dye 60 eggs!

 Easter baskets!

 Easter goodies!  This year the "golden" egg was hidden inside of a cupcake.  Vali, one of the boys that is currently in the transition program found it!

The Badea family was able to join us this year from out of town, so we had 7 of our 9 "grandkids" present.  We tried to get some good photos.  Those who photograph small children have my respect!