Friday, May 31, 2013

Field Trip Fun

We were able to continue field trip fun during the months of May and June.  We were able to take 2 groups of kids from Rdv to the Bucuresti zoo. 

 Some of the Canadian team came along to join in the fun!

 No trip to the zoo is complete without ice cream!  Thanks Canada Team!!

 We also were able to take Steven and Haley's reading students to a bookstore in Bucuresti.  They each were able to choose a book to purchase, thanks to Steven and Haley's home church The Wave, from San Diego.  This was a very significant thing for these kids to do, since they have no children's books in their classrooms.  They were thrilled to be able to pick out their own, and are excited to read them!

 After the bookstore we all enjoyed lunch at McDonald's.

Friday, May 10, 2013


Ok, so I couldn't resist!  Here are some of the pictures of Ruthie.  She's just too cute to not share!

Monday, May 6, 2013

An Easter Proposal

Easter was late in Romania this year.  It didn't occur until May 5th.  We once again were able to celebrate the day with the Canadian Team.  Easter is a very important holiday in Romania and we have a large H2H family celebration each year.  One of the traditions is the big egg hunt. Among tons of candy filled eggs, we usually hide a golden egg.  This egg is worth 50 lei (about $15) and is the highly sought after egg. This year we also had a special silver egg that had a special surprise inside. 
Ruthie got into egg hunting this year!
Enjoying the day with some of the family.  Mirela and I.
Marius and Robi
 Alex had asked us to help him come up with a special way in which he could propose to Ioana.  He wanted to do it with the H2H family in attendance, so we decided that Easter was the perfect time.  The silver egg had Ioana's engagement ring inside.  "Somehow" Alex was the one who found the silver egg.  I called him to the front and told him he had to do what the note in the egg said to be able to receive the reward. 
The note inside the egg said that he needed to say something nice about someone that he cared about.  He called Ioana up to the front and recited a speech that he had written about her.  He told her he loved her and then asked for the silver egg.  He opened it and the ring was inside.  It wasn't until that moment that Ioana realized what was happening.  It was a great surprise!  Now we have an August wedding to plan!