Saturday, June 30, 2012


 When I first moved to Romania in 1999 Emily came around the same time.  We were so vastly different, Emily a super sweet, emotionally sensitive, touchy feelly girl, and me a logically driven, tomboy.  God must have laughed when he put us in the same apartment together!  But over the 3 years that we both served in Romania, we became very close.  The kind of closeness that only comes from  being alone in a foreign country and walking through some very difficult times together.  In June, Emily came back for her first visit in over 5 years.  So many things have changed in Romania, in H2H and not to mention Emily is now married with 3 small boys, but in most ways it felt like we hadn't been apart! 

We had one special evening in which some of the original staff and some of the kids we worked with at the time that are now adults went to coffee together.  Great memories!

 Emily introduced her family to the orphanages.
 It was fun to see them make their own connections to the orphans here.  Samuel and Marian became good friends!

Proud Mom Moments

The end of the school year always brings about some great moments.  All year long we serve multiple roles in the kids' lives.  But during end of school activities I feel even more pronounced that we are not only teachers in their lives, but parents as well. Each year as the schools have their final programs and promotions we get to be there to cheer the kids on and applaud their efforts from the year.   Nicu and Vic are two of my sons and you see them appear quite often in my blogs and pictures.  It has become tradition to take a promotion day picture together.  They are both doing so well in school.  Both just finished the 4th grade.  Nicu was first in his class and Vic second. 

This June I also attended another very special graduation.  Some of you might remember that towards the beginning of my life in Romania, I taught at BCA, which is a school for missionary kids here.  This year my first class of 1st graders graduated from high school.  Here I am with 3 of my first graders all grown up!