Monday, April 30, 2018

A Special Visit

In Mid-April I was honored to have 3 men from my home church stop in for a visit, Bob Pankratz, Ken Pauls, and Phil Neufeld. They were on their way to the Ukraine and were able to stop in on their way. It was less then two full days, but we packed in as much as possible, and they were great sports! All three of these men have known me for most of, if not all of my life and have walked alongside of me through so many chapters. Bob and his wife Kel, were youth sponsors of mine in high school and then I spent a summer interning with them in Denver during college. God used that summer in Denver in so many ways in my life, but one of the biggest was to give me a passion for missions. So it was so amazing to get to host Bob here and show him a bit of my life and ministry. I enjoyed the weekend tremendously, There is just something very special about getting to share what I love here with people that love me. I was very encouraged and blessed! I'm looking forward to continuing this special colliding of my two worlds in May when one of my brothers and three of my nieces come to visit. I can't wait!