Sunday, September 25, 2011


After returning to Romania from a vacation in the US, in which we attended the wedding of JohnThomas Sorrels and Marinela Moldoveanu it was time to get back into the swing of ministry!
The fall for us at H2H means starting a new school year. We like to start out by getting refocused and prepared for the school year, so we like to do staff training. This year we set the theme to be The Amazing Race with H2H. We split the staff into 3 teams and they had different tasks to do together. It was a fun way to bond together, get to know our 2 new couples, and have some fun together. Sooooo...... meet our 3 teams!
The Best Team (they picked the name themselves): Mark, Ghita, Ramona, Haley, and Kirsteen (Jenny, in the middle, acted as the host and was welcomming them onto the mat after a competition).
Dinamo (named after a Romanian Soccer Team): Steven, Sanda, Corni, and Missy
The Champions: Josh, Mariana, Lenuta, and Rebecca
This was an activity where different members of the team had different obstacles and they had to complete a word find together.
Josh (who was deaf) helping Rebecca (who was blind) to the finish line.
This was a drinking challenge. Each team picked 1 member who had to drink cups of juice until they found the cup with the mark on the bottom. I think that Haley drank about 50 cups full!
In this challenge each team member had to slurp jello through a straw, until their cup was empty.
more jello slurping!
In this challenge, the teams had to recreate a design of different shapes to duplicate the picture.
All in all, it was a lot of fun! And a great kick off to the 2011-2012 school year. I'm really excited about my growing staff and excited about another year set before us!