Thursday, April 30, 2015


Sometimes when you are in relational ministry God surprises you!  There are times when I look at some of the kids that we work with and I think, "this one is so close to following Christ,"  and other times I think "this kid is so far from following Christ."  One thing that I've definitely learned is that I can't always predict whose hears are being softened and turned to Him. 

In the past couple of months we've had 2 of our Transition Graduates make professions of faith and be baptized.  Nicolae Toader is a guy that I've known since he was a small boy.  I've seen him grow and be moved around to 3 different orphanages and then he went through our Transition Program.  He has had a heart after God for many years, but it has been a joy to see that now that he's out of our house he has made his faith his own and persevered through many of life's challenges.  

I didn't meet Marius until he was in high school.  He has been a kind and sincere guy since I met him, but when he entered our Transition Program, he told me that he didn't know if he believed that God exists and if He does, he didn't know if He is trustworthy.  Two years later, with great joy, I got to see Marius be baptized. 

 For both of these young men they've had to work out their faith.  They both struggled to learn to forgive parents that abandoned them and instead of being bitter towards God, recognize that He's been with them through their journeys.  Both are living independently and working and volunteering with us when possible.  This "breaking the cycle" is what our ministry is all about!